But what if you just push through the fear and insecurity?
Today, I am grateful for the courage to push through the fear and insecurity.
I am learning how to treat myself as I would my best friend, with compassion, with kindness, with compliments, with support, and with unconditional love.
I accomplished being honest with myself about how I'm feeling about my physical form. I'm insecure which makes me anxious about being around people I knew when I looked different. One of the common symptoms of ascension is weight gain. This is something I have experienced in three-year cycles for as long as I can remember. But the social heaviness around body image has always been a challenge for me. Today, I accepted that I am uncomfortable with the way my body looks currently. I am not perfect and that is ok. I have an able body, and I love her. My discomfort will pass. And in the meantime, I don't have to be so damn hard on myself. I can wear spanks to help boost my confidence while I am in transition. And I can do it without feeling guilt or shame. In my way, I am honoring my body.
I delighted in sharing my meditation and gratitude practice with my team, in watching my dog joyfully roll around in the dirt, and in hearing a man play the saxophone while I perused the farmer's market.