Let go of the agenda

Today, I am grateful for my growing ability to let go of a plan.  

I am learning the balance between intention and agendas. Intention allows me the space to experience spontaneous awesome. 

I accomplished consciously starting my day with a positive perspective.  I had gotten into the habit of waking on workdays with dread.  This morning, the first thing I did was thank the Universe for the financial freedom my work provides me, instead of thinking of the to do list and the interactions I didn't want to have with pain in the ass coworkers.  Don't get me wrong, my mind went there for a moment, but today, I gently guided her to the abundance in my life, and it changed my entire day. 

I delighted in hearing a friend's voice, and in receiving great feedback from my boss (not the "blow smoke up my ass" kind of great, but the positive AND actionable growth is constant kind of great).

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