we all have pain

Today, I am grateful for honest connections and conversations - sharing moments of joy and moments of frustration or fear - I am grateful for authenticity and vulnerability. I am learning how to appreciate where I am without judging or comparing myself to others. For a long time, I measured my growth by looking at those around me and thinking "well I'm doing better than that person," or, "oh, I wish I was as balanced, centered and beautiful as that person."  Now, I look at my journey, my experiences, I focus inward.  Before, I reacted to change that was outside my control by putting up my defenses, taking it personally, and feeling ashamed.  Now, I responded with grace and genuine positivity excited to keep taking steps forward. This inward perspective helps me trust the process (even when I am having a dog poo of a day), and it reminds me we are all at different stages in our own lives.  My life is not yours, my pain is not yours. And, that is what makes us uniquely beautiful. I accomplished pulling some documents together that I have been putting off. I delighted in brunch with my mom and bonus mom, discovering new music I love, and in putting some focused energy toward my intentions. 

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